Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Poetry in Motion

Today is becoming a much better day than the previous two days. Thank you, Lord! I thought for sure I was in for something awful. Who knows, I still could be, but for now, I feel much better.

I changed my template to something that remotely resembles a sort of storm front appearance. I've looked at the other pages out there, and while they are quite glamorous, I think this is what I'll stick with. For now. I like it. It reminds me of a painting a friend did for me from a poem I wrote. I can't seem to find the painting, maybe it was lost from moving, I don't know; but it's driving me nuts because it's lost. I used to write poetry, and I suppose I should try to pick it up again. Today I'm submitting the poem:

The Lighthouse

I sailed upon the sea one day,

Amid the waters tossing way;

And though I feard the storms dim plight,

Out in the distance, a blinking light.

I tried to reach through that storms roar,

The wonderous sight of that peaceful shore;

When all around me, a fog so dense,

My fear grew heavy, my body, tense.

And as the fear inside me grew,

That blinking light, shone brightly through;

And though the fog was heavy, still,

I neared the shore, for it was God's will.

And I felt a peace come over me,

As I finally left that roaring sea;

That Lighthouse brought me safely home,

And I look upon It when feeling alone.

I walked along that sandy shore,

Where the Lighthouse stands and blinks for more;

It calls to those upon the sea,

Whose souls cry out to be set free.

A step in faith, we need to take,

And trust in Him, for our souls sake;

For Jesus, the Lighthouse represents,

And saving souls, was why He was sent.

So when life's throwing us to and fro,

Call on His name, and we will know;

That on the shoreline, blinking bright,

The Lighthouse, Jesus, our Heaven's Light;

Will bring us safe, from stormy sea,

And dwell with us, eternally.

I wrote that poem May 15, 1997 and my life has changed, dramatically since then. My faith hasn't waivered. I still believe in my Lord as Savior. But there was a time I was very bitter; both with myself and the church. I had left my husband, it was a very ugly time in my life and in his. I walked away from my God, in a very hateful way. But He is a loving and forgiving Father. And I am thankful for this. I am just now walking back towards my Loving Father. I'm hoping and praying that my children will walk to Him as well.

I wrote many, many poems during those days. Maybe I'll share them here. Maybe you'll want to read them, or maybe you'll feel the need to not read my blog any longer. I hope you'll feel compelled to read on, though. Maybe you have had the same experiene in leaving Him, and have a desire to find Him again. I hope you have a desire to find Him, seek Him, trust me, He wants to be found. There is much peace in being the one who finds Him again. I know. I'm living proof.

So that is my plug for the day. I hope you come back! Stay well.


1 comment:

Windlost said...

What a lovely poem. Thanks for sharing that. I also LOVE the new website. It looks wonderful! Very soothing...