Thursday, August 31, 2006

Philip to Deploy

Philip is scheduled to come home tomorrow for the weekend; but Ernesto has gotten in the way of our plans. It has shut down the airport in North Carolina, and I'm sure, it is shutting down the lives of many people in it's path.

I was watching some show on Monday, I don't remember what it was, but it was about the aftermath of Katrina. It was absolutely heart-wrenching. I remember my son and I going thru our closets last year, collecting whatever we could to help out - in any way we could. It was the only thing I could do at the time. I really had NO idea of the devastation. I don't think anyone did. I still don't understand why it took so long for help to get there.

Will it take so long this time, should it happen again? In NC. What if it happened in the Capitol? Would it take as long to help our precious officials, to get them the aide they need? The food, drink, the proper elimination areas required? Would they be there for them? Who will "they" be?

But for this weekend, I'm hoping Ernesto will just let up and leave, peacefully. We would like to see our Philip, for he will be home this last time before his deployment - his first tour to Iraq. Frank and the kids will be bringing him back over the holiday. Because I can't travel, I will not be going. We will fly both an American and a Marine flag (OORAH!) for him while he is gone, as well as yellow ribbons. I told him this this morning when I talked to him. I asked him to help his Dad purchase the Marine flag while they are on base. The kids are so excited to see him in uniform, in formation with his buddies on base. Nicholas can't wait to see the Marine base, the tanks, the guns (of course) everything Marine!! This is going to be so hard for Frank - leaving his son. Leaving his son. Leaving. That sounds so different now. The impact that word has now. I was so emotional when I heard his voice today. Please pray for our Philip, for his safety, for his platoon and their safety. For his family. His very large family.

As always, wishing all pain-free days!

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