...........that would be our own CNS Winter Drumline! (insert applause please) We/they received an award, this award, for Best Tenorline!And our Tenorline just happens to be my own Cinderisa and teammate, Mark. They were so excited, all they could say was, "Best Tenorline."
Here are the little goofballs getting all giddy before they actually went on. It was a wonderful day. Even if they placed third all around.
Afterward, Chrisarella and Britt were busy dancing the night away at Britt's b'day party.
at the Elks Club. Now my girl is having a terrible time walking because her legs are so very tired and sore. She sure must have had fun.
Now this is very similar to what has been flashing in my eyes lately. Too similar. The non-stop pain that has been coming with it is becomming relentless and just plain drudgery. I have gone for the cryoanalgesia, a nice big dose of Toradol IM at the infusion center, trigger-point injections, and none of it is working. Day after day it's just more of the same - migraine.
It's exhausting, painful, sickening; I have had enough. I suppose I haven't. I remember it being worse, much much worse. Oh how I don't want it to get like that again. This daily migraine is just physically and mentally draining.
Today the sun has been shining and it was near 50 out; and I haven't even gotten out of my jammies or bathrobe. I am unable to keep my eyes from running, and one is hardly open. freaking migraines.
I have been able to manage dinner and a banana bread for my wonderful family. The windows are letting in some MUCH-NEEDED fresh air, despite the smelly dogs and their bedding. Oh I can't wait for the warm weather to come and stay.
I am praying for a pain-free day tomorrow. Hoping you have pain-free days
Sunday, March 15, 2009
And the Winner is..........
Monday, March 09, 2009
Warning - woman at work!
Typically, this is not the way I use my household tools; it is, however, the way Frank has suggested I use this particular tool. Given the way my head has been feeling, this picture is appropriate.
Don't you just wish there was a magic tool you could plug in and apply to the pain..... Make it all go away? This would be my tool of choice. Just apply the biggest bit to my head, whichever part was feeling the worst pressure or pain, and turn that baby on. I'm thinking, by the looks of the picture, she is anticipating the pain will just melt away, flow easily out of the crevice that nice little drill bit makes. Warm, melting, soothing feelings of relief.
Unlike the monster that has been invading yet again. He has been wreaking havoc and mayhem in my head. Both the right and left sides are getting equal play time now. He no longer plays favorites there. I did get a brief moment of relief this morning; and that only lasted momentarily. No fear, tomorrow is my day for cryo!! At long last, I get to put the monster to bed. Sleep, monster, sleep. Just for another few weeks, please. No more bright lights, screaming trains, pounding pain.
Rest, my monster, rest. I have a family to tend to. Gardens to plant. Things I like to do. I have a life to live. I have a kitchen I started refinishing, and need to get back to. So go rest yourself tomorrow. I want to get back to living my life. Pain-free.
Hoping you are pain-free
Thursday, March 05, 2009
More crafty fun stuff
Pictures just do not do justice here. Maybe I need to invest in a better camera. That's probably what it is. Regardless, I whipped this little, well, it's not really little, name sign up for Cinderisa's room yesterday. The "I" is an old drumstick of hers. I tried to incorporate as much as I could of her to make it just right. She loves it anyway.
I know exactly what I'm doing for Chrisarella's room. Her's will have a more elegant flair. Cinerisa's room is more of the shabby/sheak style. We are working on changing her color.
Today, Frank turns 50 years old. Happy Birthday, Frankenstein. But because our schedules are too busy during the week, we will celebrate on Sunday.
I am so anxious for warm weather to get here. For the dark, gloomy days to just disappear for another 6 or more months. I cannot wait to be able to spend the days outdoors; in my garden, on my deck..........
outside!!!!! Not locked up in the house.
Well, off to a busy afternoon. wishing you a pain-free day
Tuesday, March 03, 2009
pressing matters
Because I just couldn't bare to look at that space without the keys I just HAD to have; I went back today to get them. I also took my MIL. I had a hostage, I know, I'm nuts. And I rectified the scene by explaining myself. I did. I told her, which isn't totally untrue, that I would like for her to help me make curtains for my l'room. "Help" being the (ha) key word here;(get it? key?) because basically, she would be making them FOR me. I cannot sew a button. If it were left to me, I'd just use Stitch Witchery. But this is a rather large window, and I would really like nice I mean really nice drapes.
So I just dragged her around the store, and really, she didn't mind. She helped me choose the hook to hold the keys. She loved the little knobs and the fabrics, the ornate signs and platters. We were gone for oh, I think Frank said 4 hours! NOT just in Hobby Lobby; we were a few other places as well. But I just needed to share my keys with you, and my new favorite store with her.
Now, onto real pressing matters: For anyone who actually does visit my site - oh, and I do thank you for stopping by and taking the time for that, I have an urgent request. For myself and fellow Migraineurs I would like to ask you to go here to write a letter to your Congressman/woman on behalf of headache and migraine disease.
Please add a paragraph if you can, as I did, telling why it is necessary for funds to be spent on research. If you yourself are unsure, look at these specifics from the Alliance of Headache Advocacy:
This year alone, more than 70,000 patients will have migraine and 24,000 will have chronic daily headache.
Migraine accounts for more lost years of healthy life in the US than epilepsy, multiple scleroses, and ovarian cancer combined.
Headache disorders cause more than $31B of economic costs annually in the US, including 9% of all labor productivity. Yet the NIH spent less than $13 on headache research in 2007, less than 0.05% of it's budget.
Only two innovative drugs have received FDA approval for migraine treatment in the past fifty years. This leaves sufferers like myself at the mercy of the insurance industry, due to the stigma of "off-label" branding of the medications that we must take that actually WORK for us. But because they are not labeled for Migraine, we are denied the medication and are forced to pay out of pocket, while we beg and plead with the insurance industry to allow the medication be allowed, while our doctors write letter after letter and we each receive denial.
So very tiring.
The list goes on and on. My own list is never-ending. I have friends on my sidebar to the right, who have lists, as well. We need your help and your support. If you have known, had, or seen us - the sufferers - please help. Just sign the letter, it's that easy.
Thank you, and I do pray YOU are pain-free
Sunday, March 01, 2009
There are two words that have become favorite to me in the last few days - HOBBY & LOBBY - oh, and to two of four of my kids so far. Only because it wasn't open today, nor any Sunday; otherwise, Christina, Lexi and I would've been there finding more fun things to fall in love with.Like a really cute set of keys to fit in that open spot there to the left of Frank's baby pic.
and up to the right of these..... oh yes they would look perfect there. It was the cutest bunch of old-fashioned keys. I think I must go back and have them.
Now I couldn't pass this beauty up could I?? No, no no. I just hate that the picture refuses to do it any justice. My entryway is so much more warm and welcoming.Seee, well, except for the little mess I forgot to clean up there, but please don't mind that. Oh, and the kitchen is another little project in the making. I'm a busy girl right now. yes yes yes, busy busy busy.
How darling are these little knobs! They have the most incredible collection of knobs and pulls and just everything my little heart desires! I'm like a kid in a candy shop here. I simply could not resist these. I love to replace knobs on my cabinets and drawers. I couldn't pass them up. nope. couldn't do it. I had to have them. OH
LOOK! Knock, knock! I love it. I am making me a FAIRY DOOR. My kids didn't get it, but I love it. I am sooooooo anxious for Spring. My "fairy" just might get a mailbox, too.
Thankfully, I was able to keep myself away from the scrapbooking supply area. But not the fabric. I had visions of new drapes on my windows, with fringes and beads; and matching pillows on my sofa and loveseat. Oh, the visions I had. The toille was so pretty with it's dancing ladies and pretty flowers. oooooh.
Each room of my home is getting a litte brain face-lift. Poor Frank is freaking out at the opening of this new store. Knowing how much I love to wander the aisles for pretty things for our home - and boy do they have them. EVERYWHERE.
I am so glad they open back up tomorrow.I've been working on hanging pics in the lower stairway; and it's very hard to get a view in a narrow hallway, but this is what I have. This one of the door I got online and I can't remember the artist, but it was at a prison, and I absolutely love the shot. The building I took in Virginia. The big old house was my Grams. The frame with the collage of baby pics is me.
Finally, we have entered March! Oh, that reminds me, March madness month for us as far as birthdays go. Frank will be having a pretty large landmark of a birthday this week. he is getting old.
Hey, two days and no migraine - woo hoo!! Hoping you are having a pain-free day.